Plant of the Week – Dogwood

The climactic seesaw season has begun in Indiana. Prepare your skin for temperature changes ranging about 50 degrees during a week. I have always felt that this time of the year is a years puberty months. You know what I mean? It’s all over the place, a little off putting, but slowly blossoming into something beautiful and special. Thankfully when these months of turmoil end we are greeted by one of the most beautiful times of the year, SPRING! Spring flowers are around in abundance, everything is brand new and a green so bright it seems photoshopped. I love spring and one of my favorite plants to look forward to is this weeks Plant of the Week. I want to discuss a a flowering tree that comes in quite a few shapes and sizes, the Dogwood!

There are many varieties of Dogwood that will grow here in Indiana. The most common is probably Cornus florida, however many others like Cornus kousa and Cornus mas are EXCELLENT options. Please check them out in the links I provided!!! Naturally, Dogwoods are understory trees and so prefer protected areas with partial shade. This can be hard to find in newer developments, but does not rule them out of a landscape. During the summer months Dogwoods require additional watering to help them survive the dry hot days. This does not mean you need to go out every day, simply leaving a hose on the tree for about 10-20 minutes once a week should help sustain your Dogwood. As always, your yearly mulching will help you Dogwood regulate its root temperature and prevent water from wicking out of the soil. When planted in a proper location, Dogwoods are a delicate and beautiful addition that requires very little maintenance. Plant one and enjoy its wonderful spring flowers and delicate branching structure!Dogwood

I encourage you to look around your yard and see how you can fit this tree into your landscape. Maybe your friends yard is screaming for this flowering beauty! Perk up your Spring time with a Dogwood this year! Read more about them here!

Sam Eagleson