Plant of the Week – Giant Hogweed

I thought this week it would be fun to look into the more sinister side of the plant kingdom.  I did some research and found quite a few plants that can do truly horrible things to us!  Lesions, paralysis, blindness, organ failure and much more can be caused by not only ingesting, but even the slightest touch.  I guess not all plants are nice like the Daylilies and Hostas in our backyards!  Now, after an hour of reading about these plants, I have decided on a winner.  A plant who only needs some sunshine to make you wish you bathed in poison ivy, Heracleum mantegazzianum, the Giant Hogweed.Giant Hogweed

Giant Hogweed originates from the Caucasus Region and found its way here by way of birds and curious botanists about a hundred years ago.  Growing up to fifteen feet in height, this invasive species has become a primary target for noxious plant control departments.  The sap of the Giant Hogweed is the damaging agent of this, human terminator.  When the sap comes in contact with your skin, it only need 15 minutes of sunlight to chemically bond to you and begin to cause some truly graphic damage to your body.  The sores, blisters and lesions the reaction causes leave scars that can last for years.  Even a drop of the sap can cause blindness!  Thankfully there are ways to prevent this plant from leaving permanent damage.  Use water and soap and immediately wash the area that contacted the plant, especially your eyes.  Then keep out of the sunlight as much as possible for the next few days, to prevent the production of furocoumarin.

The plant world is as sinister as it is beautiful!  Check out these websites here, here and here to read and find out more about this wicked plant.

Sam Eagleson