Plant of the Week – Yellow Flag Iris

Howdy ho!  It is race week and…drum roll…it will be broadcast live on TV for the first time in nearly 60 years! Very excited to watch the race and eat appetizers this weekend! Now, though I hope we see very few yellow flags this weekend during the race, it has inspired this weeks plant of the week. Keeping that in mind lets cautiously race into this week with Iris pseudacorus, or the Yellow Flag Iris!

Sporting a brilliantly bold yellow flower, the Yellow Flag Iris is impossible to miss. Originally used in dyes, the Iris now generally only brightens up our water features. Growing up to four feet in height, with late spring to early summer blooms it will stand tall and proud in your landscape. Prefering full sun and very wet feet, this Iris is perfect for a backyard MAN MADE pond, creek or even a natural fountain. However, do not plant this in a natural pond or stream edge as it is a prolific seeder, making it a bit invasive when it is not watched closely.  Even if you do not have a water feature this plant could be for you. The Yellow Flag Iris does not have to be planted in water, tolerating wet areas of a yard and having some drought resistance!Yellow Flag Iris Pond

Want to know if this Iris or others like it are right for your landscape?  Check out this website here and read a very good synopsis of this type of Iris.  Have a great race weekend and enjoy the warming weather!

Sam Eagleson